Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Mexican Curse

So, normally my life is uber boring.  Nothing exciting happens unless my teenager does something dramatic.  My marriage is sound, we don't fight.  My teenager and I have a great relationship.  Sure, my son has Aspergers, but he's high functioning, and has a great sense of humour, so normally its easy to live with it.  My job is easy and I don't bring it home.  My weight, I work on it constantly and keep a positive attitude. I have great friends always there to support me at a moments notice.

In a nutshell, life is good.

Except lately.

I had a FANTASTIC vacation. As previously blogged, I hit my head and have a concussion.  I have been home since February 16th.  At my work, as soon as you reach 8 absences, you go on Short Term Disability automatically.  Which means, I won't get paid from my job, but from my Sun Life Insurance.  There is a form the doctor needs to fill out to complete my documentation for Sun Life.  I found out the Doctor I need to sign it, is away until March 13th.  Plus, a Doctor filling out the form isn't covered under Alberta Healthcare, so I have to pay $195.00 to get him to fill it out. But again, I have to wait.

As some of you know, I went to the same walk in clinic yesterday and the good Doctor who helped me with my health issues, felt that either I had a viral infection and not a concussion, or I had both.  As previously mentioned, I have always thought I had both.  Anyways. Recovery time on both of those is undetermined.  This is not my first concussion, my last one had me in the hospital for a week.

So, im recovering very slowly.  Today is my best day yet, no "spells" at all. So far. *knock on wood*.   But I seem to be a run of bad luck.  None of it is really a big deal but here is a run down:

  • concussion/fever
  • short term disability
  • doctor away till march 13th
  • gotta pay 195.00 to get the forms filled out
  • Quinn puked all over his bed and has a fever today
  • My car wouldn't start
Seriously, I will get over all of these with time and patience.  I'm not upset about them or overly concerned when I sit and really think about them. I will get thru all of this, and lessons will be learned.

The thing is, I know why all this is happening. You can call it Karma, but I am referring to it as The Mexican Curse. It is imposed upon those who are selfish.  I have The Mexican Curse.  What did I do? Let me tell you....

In Cozumel, during The Amazing Race, when we were on the boat, and back to the pier, I stole something.  Everyone was almost off the boat, and under my bench where I was sitting, floating in the water under my bench was a $20 USD bill. Someone had dropped it, and instead of asking anyone, or placing in our captain's tip jar, I pocketed it.  I know it wasn't from the tip jar, as it was tucked away and it was not possible that it would fly out. So, I took it.  I then hit my head exiting the boat.  The first of things to go wrong.

Feeling guilty about taking that money, I bought us all drinks at one of the clues. I got tipsy and spilled sangria all over my white shirt.. That was a sign, but I ignored it.

I have The Mexican Curse because I was selfish in Mexico. If I could do a do over, I would put that money in the tip jar on the boat. 

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