Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolutions. Not.

A New Year means another chance, a new start. A do-over from the year before. To right your wrongs and do better.

Many will resolve to live better and be better. Many will succeed and many will fail.

I have been down that road so many times.  I have failed and succeeded over the years and I have been happiest on the years with no resolutions made.

There are many things I can improve on and resolve to work on this year such as:

Lose weight by adapting a better life style.

Walk my dogs every day.

Set myself up for a promotion at work.

Take up a hobby.

Have sex with my husband more.

Clean my house more.

Take a trip alone with each child. And with my husband. Give them all quality time.

That is a pretty important list and I have so much to gain by resolving to complete it. But, I won't.

I don't mean that I won't attempt to better myself, I most certainly will try, but I won't resolve. I dislike resolutions and all they stand for.  I think most of us could just recycle our lists, and have that written reminder of how we failed the year before.

It doesn't mean we can't try and succeed. Yes, we should strive for more and never give up, for many will succeed under the guise of resolutions.

I realize this sounds like the ramblings of a loser and they are.

Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions!