Thursday, January 20, 2011

The 12 days of Detox - Day 5 & 6

Day 5 was a lot like Day 4.  Not much new to report really.  I tried a steak and got diarrhea from it. I think it was the steak, or maybe the 6 strawberries I ate. Not sure really.  But I paid dearly for it. I believe it was the steak tho.  I was sluggish and a bit cranky.  But nothing that spinach couldn't fix. I didn't have coffee again today.   So that is two days in a row.

Today is Day 6.  My friends have reported bursts of energy and less hunger. I am not there yet. I am so sluggish and tired.  Why aren't I full and energized like them?? I am hoping to see some changes over the next couple of days.

I got on a scale and I was down 6lbs from my last weigh in during the first week of January.  Since November 1st, I have yoyo'd but to date I am down 13lbs during our Biggest Loser Competition. I still have 6 days left on this cleanse and I hope to feel better than when I started.

I am enjoying the food. I tried to make cabbage rolls.  It did not work out.  I have since youtubed on how to make them and will reattempt next week.

So far the cleanse has been really easy, famous last words?

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