Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Cards all over my table

Its true. I have Christmas cards all over my table in categories.  I am not anal.

I write down the list of people I will send to, then go thru my cards and create categories. Families, singles, silly, not so silly and then assign names.

You have to know that if you get a card from me. I have taken it seriously, if you don't like it, I don't like you. Sorry, but we had a good run.

Tomorrow night is my company Christmas party and the stars have aligned just right that my best-friend Michelle and Matt are going. I also get to hang with my other buddies Sarah, Shayne, Stacey and of course fresh on the party tour, Terra and her hubby!  Sooooo excited! Andrew and I have a hotel room for the night and I am looking forward to date night...until the liquor sets in and I am on the dance floor. I will not leave that floor, unless I have to pee or am thirsty.

You know how when you drink, you don't want to break the pee seal? I will go as long as I can tomorrow night for I will be wearing spanx.  I call those reversed birth trying to get into those things.  In case you haven't seen what they can do, I Googled this image for our viewing pleasure.  Personally, my flab will be bigger. It goes from under my boobs too my knee. Lord help me when I have to break that seal.

I got a new bra for the occasion!  I went to Cream up in Airdrie and got a fantastic bra for just $69.99.  Insane!!  Such a great price. I suggest that store, and as a Westjetter I get a discount! Booyah!

I was so far ahead for the holidays. I shop year round to alleviate some stress.  But today I realize, I am very behind. I should have stuff bought and ready to be shipped by tomorrow for my family back east.  SORRY FAMILY BACK EAST.  Maybe it will be a gift card Christmas.   I am just doing up my cards now to send out.  ACK!

I love the holidays and on Sunday, we are decorating! Matt and Michelle's apartment does not have room for a tree so I have invited them over to help trim our tree and add on their own decorations. I intend on making them take it down as well.  You know, give them the whole experience!

So, for the first time in 3 years, I have New Years Day off. This is a big deal! It means I can finally ring in the new year with flare!! WOO!  So excited.  So who is throwing he party I am going to?

Well, off to finish those Christmas cards!


  1. The spanx have an opening made peeing. They have a "Cotton double gusset for comfort and ease when nature calls," as the website says.

    Also, I'm curious about how a card for a "single" is different than one for a family?

    Also WOO for having New Years off!!

  2. Its all about whats on front of the card. Trust me.

    So that vent is for peeing?? AWESOME!!! I hope I don't dribble and smell like pee all night. YIKES!

  3. It's a skill, but you get the hang of it. Just be sure to wash it ASAP :P

  4. Where is this Cream you speak of?!

    I'm excited to see everyone all dressed up tomorrow. :)

  5. Cream is in Airdrie on Main St across from the Safeway!
