For the past 3 days, I have woken up to snow and fog here in Calgary. When you hear that it is officially Spring and you wake up that, it really puts a damper on your day. Today however, is sunny and warm. By Friday we shall see up to 11 for the high. That makes me very happy.
There was a poll in our city about how we felt about the snow clearing process this year in the city. The past years had been so dismal and everyone was so angry. So did our new Mayor come through with his snow clearing promises? I would say yes. In comparisons to previous years. Most definitely. I think there is still room for improvement. But overall, I was happier this year.
Time is most certainly flying by. I was just thinking about how I don't have any trips planned to visit anyone. I have some vacation time in June and I am going home to PEI for Canada Day with the kids. I am looking forward to just spending time with my parents.
I work in a call center for an airline and often get bereavement calls. This stuff is always on my mind. My parents will go one day. I feel like I am wasting valuable time with them. I know they have many many years left in their lives, but its a feeling I can't overcome. I long for the day they will retire and we can spend more time visiting each other and truly enjoy the rest of their lives.
Then there is another way to go, my dearest friend Cherie just had her 2nd baby a few days ago. I want to go to Toronto and visit with my friends there. I think I will. My friend Sam is always asking us to go visit her, plus she has this sweet new condo!!! I think I might take 5 days and go to Toronto and hang with Sam, and see Cherie. I will see if this will work for them or not.
We must remember to stop the rat race and be there for the people who count in our lives. My friends are always there for me. My support system is unbelievable and I definitely count myself as very rich in that area of my life.
Inevitably, my thoughts always come back to my weight and health. Health wise I am ok, but will be better when I get my weight under control. If I don't get it under control, my fibroid will grow and that of course is an issue. So, I have decided to take advantage of a coupon thingy where I get 25 classes for $20 at Platoon Fitness. I will go Tues and Thurs to a female bootcamp. I am terrified and excited. I am also thinking of doing another detox to get myself back on track for clean eating. My friend Rita who did the cleanse with me worked out during the time of the detox and when it was over, continued with the eating and exercise plan. To date she has lost over 50lbs. AMAZING! I lost 17lbs during my last Biggest Loser, and I have enrolled again for the Spring Edition. It is time to stop being a Jody and be a Rita. I have the constant support from my friend Kelly who pushes me every day to run up my stairs 5 times at minimum. I can barely do that. My legs burn and so do my lungs. But, no pain, no gain right?
Andrew blew out a tire today and is waiting for his car to be fixed. He his blowing off his work schedule today since its messed up anyways, and has asked me to be his date for the day! So, off to shower and spend some quality time with my hubby!
Much love everyone :)
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