Sunday, January 16, 2011

The 12 days of Detox - Day 2

Day 2 is coming to a close.  Today was harder than yesterday but in a different way.

Day 1 went like this: wasn't really prepared, but had enough in the house to make it thru the day with the proper foods. I had fish, brown rice, beans, eggs and turkey bacon.  But, I also had Quinn's party, which meant cake.  I avoided that cake!! I got everyone a piece, making sure adults got big pieces, then I left the room.  Made sure it was all gone before I returned back to the room.  My family and friend supported me during that time and ensured it was all gone!!  I did have some diarrhea yesterday.  Didn't think I would be able to play laser tag, but it subsided just in time!  I was starving all day. I could never get enough to eat!  But all in all, it was a good day.

Today however, has been a challenge.  I am pooping more than normal, but its not diarrhea anymore.  So far, that is not as bad as I feared.  I have eaten great today.  Eggs, turkey bacon, sushi, chicken, potato and fish and spinach. I am starving!!! I will be hungry again in 2 hrs. The worst part is the headache. I have such a bad headache.  Eating, drinking lots of water and green tea helps keep it at a minimum, but if I relax on those, it gets intense.

Tonight I prepare for tomorrow.  My menu for tomorrow is:

Breakfast: oats with blueberries
Lunch: salad with lettue, tomato, hard boiled egg, red onion and avacado
Snack: cut up apples with cinnamon and walnuts
Dinner: grilled chicken, sweet potato, spinach
Snack: popcorn

I am loving that I have so many food options available. My goal at day 2 is to keep up the same food plan on a go forward basis.  Hoping tomorrow for no headache.

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