Monday, December 27, 2010

Here is my first born, so I can afford a concert ticket!

This blog is about concerts and their outrageous ticket prices.

This was brought on when a user on my forum linked this article:

Essentially, talking about the high price of tickets, and the high amount of people who opted to spend their money elsewhere and stay home.

This instantly reminded me of the Steven Page concert I wanted to go to.  After his split from BNL, he came out with a fun new album.  After seeing BNL 3 times last year, I started to seriously miss Steven's voice. Then he announced a tour that was coming to Calgary.  This was awesome news!  It was in a church..uhm was general admission seating..uhm...ok...and the tickets came to $70.00 and change after all the fees.  Uhm ok, forget that!!! So here was a concert I was so excited for, but couldn't justify that much money for that show.  So, I regrettably passed on it. In the end, I won tickets from a radio station, but then Page cancelled the show anyways.

The other concert I desperately wanted to see was NKOTBSB. This currently is a limited tour. Only hitting a couple of Canadian cities.  I was prepared to fly to Vancouver to see them. I wanted to take Hilary my 14 yr old and have the time of our lives. For two of us in the second balcony its $171.50 with $30 of that being fees.   I didn't have that kind of dough when the tickets went on sale.

If its BNL,  my fav band, I am dropping whatever it takes also the same with Great Big Sea.  But that is it for me.  I don't want to spend $70 for each show I see. Its killing me now that I have to spend $15.00 to see a movie!!

How is my teenage daughter suppose to be able to afford fun?  I grew up going to concerts, and it was awesome. She however is not.  She, nor I, can afford a $70.00 ticket per month to see her fav singers.   No wonder kids download everything illegally these days!

Entertainment these days is costing too much!!  A movie night out for our family is a $100 expense.  With it costing almost $60.00 for 4 of us to get in, nevermind snacks!

Entertainment such as theatre, movies, concerts shouldn't just be for the wealthy, but it sure seems that way.

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