Here is a great follow up to the last blog. I complained about ticket prices for the movies. Now its time to complain about those who pay those prices and then ruin the experience for everyone else!
Wait, I am that person! I am guilty of being a chatty cathy during a movie. I try soooo hard to keep it between me and my companion, but when I laugh, its loud!!! Going forth, I will try to be far more quiet as I don't want to be that jerkface that ruins YOUR experience. In fact, I will just shut up!
Here are the etiquettes for movie going:
Get there on time. This leads to many areas. Getting there on time means, ample time to go to the washroom, get snacks, and find a seat. When you are late, for whatever the reasons, please decide on a different movie or time slot to ensure you won't be disruptive to those who did ensure a timely arrival.
It continues to amaze me how people show up when the previews are on, and then head up to the prime seats looking for them to be available! First come, first serve. You were last, go sit in the rubber necker seats. Enjoy your movie!
Once you have obtained a seat, it would be great if you had already gone to the washroom and got your snacks. Now, if the lights haven't dimmed yet, then it doesn't matter. But once those lights have dimmed, please don't get up 3 times. You block the view and annoy everyone you go past as we have settled in and put our bags on the floor, bags of popcorn sit there so we don't eat it all at once.
What happens during previews is a grey area to me. I personally, enjoy the previews and hate to be disrupted during them. I love that my introduction to a new movie coming out is seen at its best, on a big screen with optimal sound. However, I can't really get mad if you use this time to jump up to get snacks or go to the washroom if that means you won't during the movie.
Once the movie has started, I am in a new state of mind. I am being taken away to a fantasy world, where I can escape. I don't repeatedly pull out my cell phone, lighting up my area. I know this can ruin this for the people behind or beside me when suddenly a white light appears. Now imagine that several times! People actually talk and text on their phones during a movie. I can't even imagine doing that. Turn your phone off!
The talking. I have stated I am guilty of this. I promise to make an effort to not talk during the film. As is, I try to keep it low, movie related and not that frequent. But just because I do this, doesn't mean you should! If I was ever to be shushed, I would respect that!
Please do not bring your kids to a 9pm show that isn't a family movie. What are you thinking? It drives me nuts when I see parents bring their 2 yr old to a very inappropriate movie. If it isn't rated G, why is any kid under 10 yrs old at that movie? Theaters really need to enforce their Ratings and who they let in.
I know I shouldn't have high standards for a public event. Having expectations opens you up for disappointment, but I can't just give up on society.
See you at the movies.
This blog used to be just my random musings but my life has seriously changed over the past few months because I had weight loss surgery. So I will talk about that and I will still keep my random musings.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Here is my first born, so I can afford a concert ticket!
This blog is about concerts and their outrageous ticket prices.
This was brought on when a user on my forum linked this article:
Essentially, talking about the high price of tickets, and the high amount of people who opted to spend their money elsewhere and stay home.
This instantly reminded me of the Steven Page concert I wanted to go to. After his split from BNL, he came out with a fun new album. After seeing BNL 3 times last year, I started to seriously miss Steven's voice. Then he announced a tour that was coming to Calgary. This was awesome news! It was in a church..uhm was general admission seating..uhm...ok...and the tickets came to $70.00 and change after all the fees. Uhm ok, forget that!!! So here was a concert I was so excited for, but couldn't justify that much money for that show. So, I regrettably passed on it. In the end, I won tickets from a radio station, but then Page cancelled the show anyways.
The other concert I desperately wanted to see was NKOTBSB. This currently is a limited tour. Only hitting a couple of Canadian cities. I was prepared to fly to Vancouver to see them. I wanted to take Hilary my 14 yr old and have the time of our lives. For two of us in the second balcony its $171.50 with $30 of that being fees. I didn't have that kind of dough when the tickets went on sale.
If its BNL, my fav band, I am dropping whatever it takes also the same with Great Big Sea. But that is it for me. I don't want to spend $70 for each show I see. Its killing me now that I have to spend $15.00 to see a movie!!
How is my teenage daughter suppose to be able to afford fun? I grew up going to concerts, and it was awesome. She however is not. She, nor I, can afford a $70.00 ticket per month to see her fav singers. No wonder kids download everything illegally these days!
Entertainment these days is costing too much!! A movie night out for our family is a $100 expense. With it costing almost $60.00 for 4 of us to get in, nevermind snacks!
Entertainment such as theatre, movies, concerts shouldn't just be for the wealthy, but it sure seems that way.
This was brought on when a user on my forum linked this article:
Essentially, talking about the high price of tickets, and the high amount of people who opted to spend their money elsewhere and stay home.
This instantly reminded me of the Steven Page concert I wanted to go to. After his split from BNL, he came out with a fun new album. After seeing BNL 3 times last year, I started to seriously miss Steven's voice. Then he announced a tour that was coming to Calgary. This was awesome news! It was in a church..uhm was general admission seating..uhm...ok...and the tickets came to $70.00 and change after all the fees. Uhm ok, forget that!!! So here was a concert I was so excited for, but couldn't justify that much money for that show. So, I regrettably passed on it. In the end, I won tickets from a radio station, but then Page cancelled the show anyways.
The other concert I desperately wanted to see was NKOTBSB. This currently is a limited tour. Only hitting a couple of Canadian cities. I was prepared to fly to Vancouver to see them. I wanted to take Hilary my 14 yr old and have the time of our lives. For two of us in the second balcony its $171.50 with $30 of that being fees. I didn't have that kind of dough when the tickets went on sale.
If its BNL, my fav band, I am dropping whatever it takes also the same with Great Big Sea. But that is it for me. I don't want to spend $70 for each show I see. Its killing me now that I have to spend $15.00 to see a movie!!
How is my teenage daughter suppose to be able to afford fun? I grew up going to concerts, and it was awesome. She however is not. She, nor I, can afford a $70.00 ticket per month to see her fav singers. No wonder kids download everything illegally these days!
Entertainment these days is costing too much!! A movie night out for our family is a $100 expense. With it costing almost $60.00 for 4 of us to get in, nevermind snacks!
Entertainment such as theatre, movies, concerts shouldn't just be for the wealthy, but it sure seems that way.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
My Halloween Pumpkins are for Christmas.
As I sit here at my laptop thinking about what I want to blog, I glance out my kitchen window. It has a view of our deck. On that deck is a patio table with my Halloween pumpkins on it covered in snow. They're frozen. I mean to get rid of them before we went on our trip to LA but I didn't. It snowed while we were away and hasn't stopped since. There are days it doesn't snow, but at this point, they are there until the thaw.
I glance to my left and see my Christmas tree. Its pretty and has presents underneath. Its a tight Christmas around our household, but our children faired well. Only 5 days until Santa arrives. My son is 10, almost 11 yrs old. He has Aspergers and is more like a 8 or 9 yr old inside. He still believes in Santa. He doesn't like crowds and loud noises, neither do I, so him riding the technological wave of communication really works for me. He does not desire a picture with Santa or really to talk to him in person. He prefers to email Santa. With so many websites, that is a definite possibility. We emailed Santa the other day and he already has a very nice email back. Thank you technology!
Counting down days for many things. We have the obvious, Christmas. Then New Years, I am actually off for it for the first time in 3 yrs! WOO! Then its a trip to Montreal with friends for a birthday trip. Its then Quinn's 11th birthday. Following that, the Ships and Dip Cruise with Barenaked Ladies. Then Hilary's birthday, followed by my birthday.
I need money for all of that. YIKES!
I sent out my Christmas stuff very late this year. I had partaken on the role of a Team Captain for our team at work as we adopted a family in need. I organized most of it alone. I rallied to get donations of money, gift cards or presents. Our group was very successful, but it was stressful. Knowing it was up to you to ensure those kids had a good Christmas, when your's was barely happening. I got very distracted by that project but it was very rewarding.
I am looking forward to Christmas Dinner with family and friends. For me, its not about the presents under the tree but who I get to be with.
Merry Christmas :)
I glance to my left and see my Christmas tree. Its pretty and has presents underneath. Its a tight Christmas around our household, but our children faired well. Only 5 days until Santa arrives. My son is 10, almost 11 yrs old. He has Aspergers and is more like a 8 or 9 yr old inside. He still believes in Santa. He doesn't like crowds and loud noises, neither do I, so him riding the technological wave of communication really works for me. He does not desire a picture with Santa or really to talk to him in person. He prefers to email Santa. With so many websites, that is a definite possibility. We emailed Santa the other day and he already has a very nice email back. Thank you technology!
Counting down days for many things. We have the obvious, Christmas. Then New Years, I am actually off for it for the first time in 3 yrs! WOO! Then its a trip to Montreal with friends for a birthday trip. Its then Quinn's 11th birthday. Following that, the Ships and Dip Cruise with Barenaked Ladies. Then Hilary's birthday, followed by my birthday.
I need money for all of that. YIKES!
I sent out my Christmas stuff very late this year. I had partaken on the role of a Team Captain for our team at work as we adopted a family in need. I organized most of it alone. I rallied to get donations of money, gift cards or presents. Our group was very successful, but it was stressful. Knowing it was up to you to ensure those kids had a good Christmas, when your's was barely happening. I got very distracted by that project but it was very rewarding.
I am looking forward to Christmas Dinner with family and friends. For me, its not about the presents under the tree but who I get to be with.
Merry Christmas :)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas Cards all over my table
Its true. I have Christmas cards all over my table in categories. I am not anal.
I write down the list of people I will send to, then go thru my cards and create categories. Families, singles, silly, not so silly and then assign names.
You have to know that if you get a card from me. I have taken it seriously, if you don't like it, I don't like you. Sorry, but we had a good run.
Tomorrow night is my company Christmas party and the stars have aligned just right that my best-friend Michelle and Matt are going. I also get to hang with my other buddies Sarah, Shayne, Stacey and of course fresh on the party tour, Terra and her hubby! Sooooo excited! Andrew and I have a hotel room for the night and I am looking forward to date night...until the liquor sets in and I am on the dance floor. I will not leave that floor, unless I have to pee or am thirsty.
You know how when you drink, you don't want to break the pee seal? I will go as long as I can tomorrow night for I will be wearing spanx. I call those reversed birth trying to get into those things. In case you haven't seen what they can do, I Googled this image for our viewing pleasure. Personally, my flab will be bigger. It goes from under my boobs too my knee. Lord help me when I have to break that seal.
I got a new bra for the occasion! I went to Cream up in Airdrie and got a fantastic bra for just $69.99. Insane!! Such a great price. I suggest that store, and as a Westjetter I get a discount! Booyah!
I was so far ahead for the holidays. I shop year round to alleviate some stress. But today I realize, I am very behind. I should have stuff bought and ready to be shipped by tomorrow for my family back east. SORRY FAMILY BACK EAST. Maybe it will be a gift card Christmas. I am just doing up my cards now to send out. ACK!
I love the holidays and on Sunday, we are decorating! Matt and Michelle's apartment does not have room for a tree so I have invited them over to help trim our tree and add on their own decorations. I intend on making them take it down as well. You know, give them the whole experience!
So, for the first time in 3 years, I have New Years Day off. This is a big deal! It means I can finally ring in the new year with flare!! WOO! So excited. So who is throwing he party I am going to?
Well, off to finish those Christmas cards!
I write down the list of people I will send to, then go thru my cards and create categories. Families, singles, silly, not so silly and then assign names.
You have to know that if you get a card from me. I have taken it seriously, if you don't like it, I don't like you. Sorry, but we had a good run.
You know how when you drink, you don't want to break the pee seal? I will go as long as I can tomorrow night for I will be wearing spanx. I call those reversed birth trying to get into those things. In case you haven't seen what they can do, I Googled this image for our viewing pleasure. Personally, my flab will be bigger. It goes from under my boobs too my knee. Lord help me when I have to break that seal.
I got a new bra for the occasion! I went to Cream up in Airdrie and got a fantastic bra for just $69.99. Insane!! Such a great price. I suggest that store, and as a Westjetter I get a discount! Booyah!
I was so far ahead for the holidays. I shop year round to alleviate some stress. But today I realize, I am very behind. I should have stuff bought and ready to be shipped by tomorrow for my family back east. SORRY FAMILY BACK EAST. Maybe it will be a gift card Christmas. I am just doing up my cards now to send out. ACK!
I love the holidays and on Sunday, we are decorating! Matt and Michelle's apartment does not have room for a tree so I have invited them over to help trim our tree and add on their own decorations. I intend on making them take it down as well. You know, give them the whole experience!
So, for the first time in 3 years, I have New Years Day off. This is a big deal! It means I can finally ring in the new year with flare!! WOO! So excited. So who is throwing he party I am going to?
Well, off to finish those Christmas cards!
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