Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Update on my medical drama

Today, I saw the Dr who sent me for my ultrasound.  I love her. That might be a bit strong. But she deserves it.

So, first I had a pap with a lady from Switzerland. She was great.  That went well. Glad they opened a pap clinic at my Medicenter.

Then I waited for Dr. Kotkas.  She came in and was like "Hi! How can I help you today?" then it went like this:

me: remember me? you sent me for an ultrasound to see if I had fibroids, and if they were the cause to my heavy periods.
Dr: Oh yes, we're trying to see what is going on to control your iron!
me: yes, I came in on Monday and met a mean Dr.  She started my time with her off with "what's wrong with you?"
(Dr. Kotkas gasps) then I told her I was called in for my results...etc...I told her what the conversation of which was in my  last blog.  The whole time Dr. Kotkas is gasping, rolling her eyes, etc...

me: She also gave me this prescription to help with my periods.  But I didn't feel good about that appt at all so , here it is (passed it to her)
Dr: Are you serious? This is hardcore, this will stop your periods completely. I really don't feel like this is the solution at all. In fact, I haven't had a chance to look at your results, can you give me a minute to read this?
me: of course...and I don't want that prescription.

Dr Kotkas smiles and rips it up and puts it in the garbage.  She reads my file and then says

Dr: Ok, so you have a fibroid but its fairly small and most likely not the cause of your periods, but lets talk about that first. Do you know what a fibroid is?
me: not really, well sort of.
Dr: (she goes on to explain it all) This is important...

Estrogen makes it grow and shrink, being overweight, fat stores the estrogen meaning you have a lot. Of course that makes you look young! Sometimes thin girls will look older cos they have less estrogen, so we need to get you to the right amount of estrogen.  Which brings us back to your CRP test, and how we discussed you changing your lifestyle.  If you lose weight, you will lose some estrogen making that fibroid shrink, which will in turn lighten those periods.  See how we came full circle? Take care of you and you will be ok.  

I love her.

me: absolutely! I have changed my diet already, have only had 2 pcs of halloween candy, been going to the gym and my dear friend at work created a Biggest Loser comp so I have like 16 people helping me lose weight! (I love you Jesse)

Dr: fantastic news! You are taking this seriously and I am so glad you have a great support system.  Now, if you do all that and take your iron pills we won't need to go to drastic measures. I don't want to stop your periods, that has complications on its own. I don't want to put you on birth control as that will raise your blood pressure and increase your chances for a stroke, we can't have that. I just want to make sure you take care of you. Eat right, exercise and take all your supplements.

me: absolutely.

Dr: Lets try this for 3 months, then come back in for a test on your iron, of course you can come in anytime if you need me.

me: Is it ok, if I only come in when you are here?

Dr: of course.

She told me what she takes every single day because its so hard for a person to get this much from their diet:

In the morning:
Multi vitamin
Vitamin D - 2000 mg/day
Omega 3

At bed:
Vitamin C with my Iron Supplement.

Oh and she gave me new iron pills cos my other ones made me soooo sick.

So, I am gonna follow her advice. Eat right, exercise and take all those vitamins.  Lets where that will take me in the next 3 months :)

Suddenly, things don't seem so bad. 


  1. I am glad to hear you saw a Dr. that was on the ball! Take care of you! =)- Michele

  2. You are doing a great job taking care of the Jody that I love! :) SOunds like you got a winner for a doctor and you're making awesome progress!! Lots of support coming your way from me. :D


  3. Thanks Kate and Michele :)

    It comes back to me, taking care of me!
