Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vampires, Werewolves and Toddlers, OH MY!

So, its been on my mind to go see Eclipse again before it leaves the big screen.  I asked Jill to go with me to the cheap theaters to see it again.  She agreed. Tuesday at 1245, it was a date!!! I got to the theater early and it wasn't open.  A mom with a stroller joined me.  She was confused why the doors weren't open at 12:00pm as she was seeing a movie at 12:15pm.  I asked her what movie, she said "Eclipse". Then a mom with a baby let us in, she was friends with the mom I was talking to. In my mind I was like "Oh for friggin sakes..have to hear the babies cry".

Then as Jill arrives on time,  I tell her about it, she's like "That's ok".  Then we see two more moms with strollers show up. Then before I know it there are about 4 more moms with babies in arms or strollers. I am  like "Ok, a drawback to a Tuesday matinee at a cheap theatre is mom's bringing babies" Jill laughed and assured me it would be ok.   

We go to buy our tickets and the lady advises me that "Eclipse today is a Mom and Tot showing, we will lower the volume of the soundtrack and we won't really dim the lights, do you still want to buy" Inside I am screaming NO!!!!  But I look at Jill and she has a look on her face that says "its ok" so I say "yes".  I drove over 35 minutes to get to this theatre, I am so close to seeing my boyfriend Edward again.....I am not leaving now.  How bad could it be? The lady then says "Ok, just note the babies are free to make noise and wander around".  Again I am saying in my head "oh no".  But Edward wins.  Jill then says "Its probably better this way for someone who had an aneurysm"  With that statement, I am ok with the low lights and quieter soundtrack.

So we need to choose where to sit.  Babies in strollers in front, and at the back.  So I pick the middle.  The movie is starting a bit late...Jill advises me she has to pee. So I am in there alone with the moms and babies.  My cell isn't getting service in this old concrete theater.  I am bored. Jill comes back and says "there is a lot of mom's here". I then turn around, there are easily 20 of them more with babies.  Then I realize how loud it is.  As a mom, I generally tune kids out.

Up comes the screen telling me to turn off my phone.  My thoughts were, "if those babies can cry and scream, I can talk on my phone if I want".  Jill and I laughed at that.

So, the movie starts. Its louder than I thought it was going to be, but the lights are brighter than I expected.  The babies? Not too bad. I mean really, I choose to go in knowing they would all be there.  There is minimal crying and such.  The odd time, one would go wandering and play with their toys, but for the most part, not too bad.  The babies were obviously Team Edward, they tended to cry when Jacob was on the screen.  I don't blame them.

What was great, was that Jill and I felt completely comfortable talking while the movie was on, cos no one could really hear us over the movie and the babies!  We laughed and made jokes. At one point there were babies crying on either side of us...STEREO! 

Loved it, duh. That was my 4th time seeing it.  I bet most of you thought I had seen it more!

I think its great that they have movies for Moms and Tots. Wish that was around when my kids were little. 
Will I knowingly go to Moms and Tots day again? No way.

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