Sunday, July 10, 2011

TV, Internet and real life

Big Brother - There are spoilers and I put them at the end, so if you don't want to read BIG spoilers, then don't scroll down after the warning OK? OK.

In real life this week, I will talk about the Calgary Stampede.  Its so much fun to attend, and if you get the chance to go, you should!  It is titled the best outdoor show in the world.  Here is some of the highlites of event
  • Started as a rodeo event, and to this day, many cowboys come to compete (yay! cowboys!).  Every night this ends with the Grandstand Show.
  • Amusement rides including a kids section.
  • Carnival food, everything deep fried and on a stick.
  • Parade with a celebrity marshall.  This year Wills and Kate came through first and then watched it.
  • Free concerts on the Coca Cola stage. Bands like The Trews, Shawn Desman, Marianna's Trench
  • Nashville North free concerts with Doc Walker, Aaron Pritchett, Gord Bramford
  • Big Band events that play daily
  • Lotteries to win houses, boats, cars, etc, with the funds raised going to local charities
  • Western Art Exhibit Oasis.  Its beautiful in there with moving statues, mood lighting, fountains, wine bar and many different art exhibits from around the world. Amazing art.
  • Retail booths where you can buy a sham wow and such like products.  Fantastic deals can be found plus lots of vendors with unique items. 
  • Animals and Agriculture section where you can see animals up for auction or competitions. Learn about agriculture with a hands on exhibit
  • Indian village combines an insight into the colourful heritage of the Plains Indians and a chance to relax in a beautiful park setting.
  • Other activities to enjoy are the daily shows of the Super Dogs, Stars on Ice, Kids shows like Molly and the Comfy Couch, and Hypnotist Terry Stokes.
  • Canadian Country Hall of Fame
  • Fashion shows and cooking shows

So, as you can see, 10 days of fun here in Calgary where, everyone dresses like a cowboy/girl.  Even execs downtown will send you home for wearing dress clothes to work! My first year here, I was sent home to change into jeans! Everyone owns a cowboy hat!  If you go everyday, then you might see everything once. It is so much fun, with daily stampede breakfasts all over town with their own mini version of the stampede.

I volunteered this past weekend at the WestJet events. I was part of our Stampede Breakfast, which, if you are from Calgary, know is the most important part of Stampede!  I got to the grounds at 6am and worked our breakfast until 10:30 am. Directing people into line ups and checking they had their tickets.  At one point, I did get to enjoy the breakfast and ate with a friend who is off on Mat Leave.  When my greeting duties were over completely, I had the chance to watch the Rodeo that was put on for us.  I am not into Rodeo's never have been. I am just not into horses being used for entertainment/sport like that. Its grueling. I am not an activist or anything like that, I just don't enjoy seeing them used that way, so I just don't attend those kind of events.  However, I kinda liked it. I feel like a traitor to my own values!!  When that was over, shortly thereafter, so was our company breakfast.

The other even I volunteered at was the WestJet booth.  We have a set up that goes to many different festivals and events around Canada.  We have folks come on up for a chance to win a free flight, other prizes include various discounts off their next booking. Its all digitalized and its a cool trailer that is set up.  I had so much fun doing that event. I was the entertainment for those waiting in line. I kept asking people where they would go if they won the free flight. Some didn't know, others said Kelowna, Ontario, Newfoundland, then my favs were like Hawaii, Turks and Caicos, and Bermuda.  I would tell them that if they won, they had to take me.  

There was this couple who said they wanted to win a trip to San Francisco so they could go to the Outlands Concert.  Three guys behind them wanted the same.  The girl of the couple went up there and totally won the free flights!! It was exciting!  The guys who were waiting to see if they won got very pissed off! It was hilarious! So, I just asked them if they had eaten anything on a stick!  I enjoyed that event and got sunburned!  It was a great way to do a face to face connection with some of our guests and hopefully made some new guests :)

Onto the Internet.

New for me this week is that I have started playing Gardens of Time on FB and I have signed up for Google Plus.

Google Plus is really weak right now, and I am not hooked on it yet. This may change as the site develops, but for right now, all I am doing is updating status's.  I have Twitter for that and FB.  I think the only good thing Google Plus has going for it is the capabilities of joining many sites into one. Google owns a lot sites I use, like this blogger and youtube.  So it will combine my faves, social media and videos.  But will it have the games? I don't know. We shall see what it turns into.

Hey, did you know that Justin Timberlake bought Myspace? He intends on using it for the music industry, which make sense, as the site already has the coding built to share music and videos easily for the bands.  

Now, time for  TV.  Today is Sunday and that excites me because......BIG BROTHER AND TRUE BLOOD ARE ON!!!  That deserved capital letters because those shows are amazeballs.

 I am so excited for tonight's episode of True Blood mainly because of Eric and Sookie!!  Eric was always so sexy as the bad boy, but him as lost and forgotten is adorable!  I like that Bill is becoming the bad guy. I love this storyline and it makes me want to read the books that much more.  I don't like the Sheriff's storyline much, in fact, I would like to see him in a romance.  I wonder if we will see more fairy Godmothers?  Jason is going to be a panther? I don't like Crystal anymore, but maybe I am not suppose to?  This season will probs be my fav season yet!

Big Brother talk!  I have some spoiler alerts here if you don't watch the feeds or read about them....SPOILER ALERT!


I have been reading the feeds and its hilarious! The vets are just standing by watching the noobs all freak out! By far, the most lethal vets are Rachel and Jeff.  It is my opinion that although Rachel possesses the most annoying laugh, she is actually very likeable, sweet and smart.   

Dick left the house. It is unclear at this time why.  But this I can tell you:

Evel Dick Tweets: "To squash the rumors, I am not in jail, don't have cancer, my mother son and girlfriend are not in the hospital & I was not kicked out." He goes on to say that a public statement from him will be posted later on explaining everything. CBS states, "His departure will be addressed on the episode to be broadcast on Wednesday, July 13. "

Danielle has been given the golden key and is safe for the next 4 weeks.

The houseguests were given wine and beer, lets hope we get some good stuff out of this.

Brenchel put up Keith and Porshe.  Brenchel then won POV and chose not to use it.  There is a 
lot of noob fighting between Keith, Lawon and Porshe.  You will see a side of Keith you weren't 
expecting!  It is my belief that the HG's will vote out Keith, at his own doing.

Dominic, that cute lil boy, seems to be on everyone's hit list.  Everyone sees him as a threat. Cassie and Shelly are becoming very close and I think them a force to be reckoned with.  I hope they switch over to the Vets.

The Vets have a new alliance name. Jordan did suggest "The Rainbow Brights" however, they chose "Dream Crushers Alliance".  

I liked Jordan's more.

That is all for now, I will probably blog about Big Brother a lot this summer, just so you know!