Just got off the phone with Stacy and she told me I sounded high. I'm not, but I do know I am focusing on getting my words right, so I talk very slow. Funny, I can type OK, but not talk. I was having a "spell". That's when I feel stupid and floopy, and the headache comes on after.
Going to bed is hard, closing my eyes makes me really dizzy. Most nights, I have to take motrin and bonine (gravol like pill from the states) to go to sleep. When I go out for groceries, or to my chiropractor, I am exhausted after and get one of my "spells" and I'm tired, which means I need motrin and bonine. I wonder when my symptoms will disappear.
I haven't been at work since February 15th and am now on Short Term Disability with money being paid from my benefits. I haven't gotten that ball rolling yet, but must do so immediately, as I am sure getting paid from them won't be easy.
In other news. I'm eating like a pig. I ate a quarter of Hilary's birthday cake I think. I just didn't care. I just ate bologna. I am consuming an unnatural amount of cheese. Cos when I get hungry, I'm starving. I am starting another Biggest Loser Competition at work on March 15th. If we work together and you want to join, send me a msg on FB! I need to keep working on my weight and overall health.
I found out my 1st cousin has a daughter with Aspergers today, just like my son. Guess it does run on my side of the family! Hoping to open the doors of communication with him to assure him it will be OK.
I am super lonely having been home since the 16th. I haven't seen or talked to anybody since then. I spend all my time with Andrew and the kids. I found my Sims3 game to create friends to hang out with. I am going stir crazy, and I don't trust myself to drive. Plus, all outings result in that tired/"spell" thing, so I am not keen on going out. Mind you, my house is a pig sty so its best I haven't had any visitors.
I think I want some cake.
This blog used to be just my random musings but my life has seriously changed over the past few months because I had weight loss surgery. So I will talk about that and I will still keep my random musings.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Today seems OK
With this concussion, I have days where I wake up and know its going to be a good day. Today is that. The headache I have isn't as brutal as normal, and I think I have my wits. Yesterday was a bad day. Took me forever to get out of bed, the headache was very painful, and I only spoke dumb. My level of forgetness yesterday was insane. Even I annoyed me. I keep getting asked when I will get better, and I honestly don't know. This isn't my first concussion. I had one when I was 17, and that one was severe and I spent over a week in a hospital. So my recovery on this one might be awhile. I miss work and people and the ability to drive myself places.
Upside to this concussion? My kids are home this week on winter break, so I have gotten to spend time with them. This is a welcomed time, as I just got back from vacation and missed them.
In other news, I have maintained my weight loss of 15lbs. I would like to add to that of course, but right now during this time of injury, I am grateful for maintaining. I have gone back to drinking coffee, but I have lowered the amount I am drinking. I had fast food last night and it was horrible. But yesterday was messed up. I forgot to get ingredients needed for dinner when Andrew took me to the store, I had a schedule for yesterday evening, and I ran out of time before dinner was ready. We left the house for the errands and grabbed dinner while on the go.
I will now review the new Asiago Spicy Chicken Club sandwich from Wendys. It was not great.
I still miss my sister. Which, is a great feeling. I have vacation time at end of June and I can't wait to go to PEI for Canada Day weekend and see her and my parents.
For now, I am resting, and waiting to see when I have two good days in a row.
Upside to this concussion? My kids are home this week on winter break, so I have gotten to spend time with them. This is a welcomed time, as I just got back from vacation and missed them.
In other news, I have maintained my weight loss of 15lbs. I would like to add to that of course, but right now during this time of injury, I am grateful for maintaining. I have gone back to drinking coffee, but I have lowered the amount I am drinking. I had fast food last night and it was horrible. But yesterday was messed up. I forgot to get ingredients needed for dinner when Andrew took me to the store, I had a schedule for yesterday evening, and I ran out of time before dinner was ready. We left the house for the errands and grabbed dinner while on the go.
I will now review the new Asiago Spicy Chicken Club sandwich from Wendys. It was not great.
I still miss my sister. Which, is a great feeling. I have vacation time at end of June and I can't wait to go to PEI for Canada Day weekend and see her and my parents.
For now, I am resting, and waiting to see when I have two good days in a row.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Dawson's Creek
OK, since I am on "rest", I watched a lot of Dawson's Creek last night with Hilary.
As I put in disc 1 of Season 6, the final season, I did so with mixed feelings. Excited to see where the season will go and sad to know its the end of the series. My 14 yr old daughter and I have bonded while we watched this series. They really covered a lot in this show.
The first season tackled, a marital affair, unwed mixed racial couple having a baby (that in itself was two huge components for its time) drinking, being gay, cheating, etc. Throughout its run, the characters experienced so much, death, weddings, pregnancy scares, school failures, physical abuse, depression, sex, drugs, mugging, parental abandonment, drinking problems, friends in university while others starting real life right away and so much more.
Watching it with my teen, bridged so many gaps as lessons were learned by her favourite characters that echoed her own life issues. Did it solve all our problems? No, but I think it was cool for her see that her problems are timeless and have always been around.
There were a few things we made fun of. It seemed while the gang lived in Capeside, none of them had bras. It was horrible!!! Pointy little titties constantly bouncing! Also, poor Joey Potter, no pants long enough!
Pacey, Jenn and Jack were our early favourites, and we didn't like Joey or Dawson. But as the seasons passed, they cemented our favourites and our fondness grew for Joey and Dawson. We like older Dawson, mainly because of his hair and clothes. The addition of Audrey was fantastic and the subtraction of Andie was desired.
I loved Pacey and Joey together. So sad when they broke up. I get excited when I see Dawson and Joey starting a relationship as I feel like "FINALLY!!". But every time they fail, I think "NOW PACEY!". Although, I was excited when Pacey and Audrey hooked up, I noticed when they fought in Season 5 when they were on Spring Break and again when Pacey appeared to be cheating, there was no passion. When I think back to Pacey and Joey fighting, it broke my heart, cos you could see it on their faces that their hearts were breaking too.
We will finish the final season of Dawson's Creek this week and that makes me sad. What series shall we watch next?
As I put in disc 1 of Season 6, the final season, I did so with mixed feelings. Excited to see where the season will go and sad to know its the end of the series. My 14 yr old daughter and I have bonded while we watched this series. They really covered a lot in this show.
The first season tackled, a marital affair, unwed mixed racial couple having a baby (that in itself was two huge components for its time) drinking, being gay, cheating, etc. Throughout its run, the characters experienced so much, death, weddings, pregnancy scares, school failures, physical abuse, depression, sex, drugs, mugging, parental abandonment, drinking problems, friends in university while others starting real life right away and so much more.
Watching it with my teen, bridged so many gaps as lessons were learned by her favourite characters that echoed her own life issues. Did it solve all our problems? No, but I think it was cool for her see that her problems are timeless and have always been around.
There were a few things we made fun of. It seemed while the gang lived in Capeside, none of them had bras. It was horrible!!! Pointy little titties constantly bouncing! Also, poor Joey Potter, no pants long enough!
Pacey, Jenn and Jack were our early favourites, and we didn't like Joey or Dawson. But as the seasons passed, they cemented our favourites and our fondness grew for Joey and Dawson. We like older Dawson, mainly because of his hair and clothes. The addition of Audrey was fantastic and the subtraction of Andie was desired.
I loved Pacey and Joey together. So sad when they broke up. I get excited when I see Dawson and Joey starting a relationship as I feel like "FINALLY!!". But every time they fail, I think "NOW PACEY!". Although, I was excited when Pacey and Audrey hooked up, I noticed when they fought in Season 5 when they were on Spring Break and again when Pacey appeared to be cheating, there was no passion. When I think back to Pacey and Joey fighting, it broke my heart, cos you could see it on their faces that their hearts were breaking too.
We will finish the final season of Dawson's Creek this week and that makes me sad. What series shall we watch next?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hey! Not sure if my blog will make sense.
My sister left today. Sad to see her leave. We had a fantastic visit. The kind of visit that makes you say "come again!!" She really helped me out when I needed her, and stayed so we could hang. She was really helpful, as I have been ill. I miss her already!
So remember in my last blog (cos you read it right?) that I hit my head in Cozumel during the amazing race? Ya, well I got tipsy that day, and the next day I got so drunk, then we came home and I was exhausted and felt so hungover. Then I went to work for a couple of days, suffering feeling hungover. Then Tues night last week, a fever struck me. Woke up Wednesday and my back hurt, my legs hurt, EVERYTHING HURT. I was dizzy, head hurt etc...well my fever has been breaking and coming back. It doesn't hurt to sit anymore. So my body aches are almost gone. My fever comes and goes and im utterly exhausted. All the while, I have had a bad headache, sore neck and dizzyness and slight nausea. Yesterday, I perked up a bit, and realized that I think I have a mild concussion. I went to Doctor today and he tested me and said "oh ya, you do! Bed rest for atleast a week, but if you're feeling better sooner, you can go back to work" So ya.
So...nap time.
My sister left today. Sad to see her leave. We had a fantastic visit. The kind of visit that makes you say "come again!!" She really helped me out when I needed her, and stayed so we could hang. She was really helpful, as I have been ill. I miss her already!
So remember in my last blog (cos you read it right?) that I hit my head in Cozumel during the amazing race? Ya, well I got tipsy that day, and the next day I got so drunk, then we came home and I was exhausted and felt so hungover. Then I went to work for a couple of days, suffering feeling hungover. Then Tues night last week, a fever struck me. Woke up Wednesday and my back hurt, my legs hurt, EVERYTHING HURT. I was dizzy, head hurt etc...well my fever has been breaking and coming back. It doesn't hurt to sit anymore. So my body aches are almost gone. My fever comes and goes and im utterly exhausted. All the while, I have had a bad headache, sore neck and dizzyness and slight nausea. Yesterday, I perked up a bit, and realized that I think I have a mild concussion. I went to Doctor today and he tested me and said "oh ya, you do! Bed rest for atleast a week, but if you're feeling better sooner, you can go back to work" So ya.
So...nap time.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Ships and Dip - A barenaked cruise
Well, I went on vacation, now I am sick. I have a fever and everything hurts. Even my butt. It hurts to sit or stand. So, why not sit and blog? I am going stir crazy in my house, so the internet is my only saviour.
My vacation was awesome. I am going to break it down like this:
Day 1 - Thurs Feb 3 - flew into Toronto, stayed in the Four Points Sheraton, had room service, watched CSI and then passed out. Horrible sleep, bed was not comfy.
Day 5 - at sea - Woke up feeling great. I had rough sleep but felt great. Today is naked photo day! Went to Crystal and Sam's room and drank their water and had some of their food. Then ordered my own room service. Then it was time to head up to deck 12 to take our Barenaked Photo with the Barenaked Ladies! This was my 4th time doing this photo! We had our slide flutes and we had fun throwing them into the crowd to create a large Naked Slide Flute Band. All my friends were there, I think. Afterwards was fun too, taking pics and goofing around. We got into the Snacktime show. It was so great!! I can't remember what we did all day, but I do know it was pajama night. After dinner, we changed into our pajamas and Andrew was sick. I went to see Jenn Grant and fell in love with her! She was such a cutie, Michelle, Stacy and I got a pic with her, but Shawn hasn't uploaded it yet. We then wound up on the top deck watching the Odds Play, with our feet in the water of the pool. Stacy and Michelle got their pic with Ed!
Quality Time with Friends in Costa Maya |
Day 6 - Costa Maya Port - Today was my favourite day. Along with 40 of my friends, we rented a private beach club called Maya Chan. Bari organized the whole thing. It had all you can eat and drink. We had cabana's, beach chairs and hammocks. It was so much fun!!! Some quality time with my friends and some yummy coconut choppy thingies. Best part? Free WiFi!!! Later that night, we went and stood in line for tickets to that nights BNL main show. It was a great set! After that we went and saw Second City Improv, they were friggin hilarious!
Team Awesome J.A.M.M.S.S |
Day 7 - Cozumel Port - I was looking forward to this day because I had found a great excursion called "The Amazing Cozumel Race". I posted it on the msg board and Rhonda took charge. She organized it all. It was so hot and humid and we were thirsty before we began. We started out with a team photo and then the race was on! On our team was Matt, Michelle, Stacy, Shawn, Andrew and myself. We all took off running. And then we stopped. It was so much fun, but gawd, it was hot and I am fat. We fell behind quickly. I was happy when we wound up in an air conditioned museum to get a clue. Then onto a boat, where Shawn dove down to a sunken ship to get the name of it for our last clue. Upon exiting the boat, I smoked my head on the roof and almost knocked myself out. We then sat for 30 minutes while I iced my head trying decide if I was ok. I am glad I was ok to go on. We did a few more clues, including Stacy getting a henna tattoo, and the best was yet to come. We had to play mini golf. If we missed the shot, we could restart again, or buy drinks from the bar.

We chose drinks! $1 for beer and $2 for Sangria!!! So we sat down and chilled and drank! After awhile we headed out on our clues again, stopped and bought some stuff, and then finally headed for the finish line. We were second last to check in, but yet, we came in last place cos we had asked for help at one point. It was a fantastic race. But again, the heat took over and I was about to pass out, plus with my head injury I was in pain. So off the boat we went while, the rest of our team stayed and had a great time in Cozumel.
We chose drinks! $1 for beer and $2 for Sangria!!! So we sat down and chilled and drank! After awhile we headed out on our clues again, stopped and bought some stuff, and then finally headed for the finish line. We were second last to check in, but yet, we came in last place cos we had asked for help at one point. It was a fantastic race. But again, the heat took over and I was about to pass out, plus with my head injury I was in pain. So off the boat we went while, the rest of our team stayed and had a great time in Cozumel.
Day 7 was also Irish Night. Great Big Sea played the sail away show, and Stacy got us great seats, and we waited and waited. It rained and we stayed! The show was fantastic. We then went for dinner and then off to another Barenaked Ladies main show. The concert was FANTASTIC!! Lots of guests came on to sing some of our fav Steve Songs. Jason Plumb, you rawked my sawks BIG TIME!!! Afterwards, we watched Acid Wish play and Michelle and Stacy got their pic with Alan!
Day 8 - at sea - A lot happened this day. I slept in till after 10am. Then had breakfast. We went to the merch store and bought some stuff and headed back to our room to drop off our stuff. Upon returning to our room we had a letter in our mailbox saying we were invited to a BNL meet and greet! I missed Bob's book reading. We then got in line for Songwriters in the Round. That was a great panel. Andrew and Sam got us front row. I even asked Ed to sing Bank Job and he did!! That was awesome. We then went to Meet and Greet, and got pics with the band. It was fun! Ed was like "You were the one who requested Bank Job!" and I was like "yeah, I meant to say When I fall, but Bank Job came out and I was happy with that too" he then laughed! He signed our ships and dip poster, and a promo pic I had. Melissa had gotten 2 of the guys to sign her Iphone case, so I brought it with me to get the other two to sign. Tyler said that this was the best cruise ever, and Kevin said he hoped we would sail again. I was happy!! Afterwards, we ran into Boothby and Jason Plumb, and got our pics taken with them.
We had a big dinner with our friends at Cagney's steak house. Once last chance to hang with our cruise friends and it was awesome!!! Then went and packed up our room. My feet were so swollen, shoes wouldn't fit, so I put my feet up and watched Andrew pack. Crystal and Sam were packing up their room too. We just left our doors open, so we could talk and goof off. She had some adult chocolate milk and I took it all. I poured it into my Starbucks cup.
This was our last night on the cruise, and we then went to watch Acid Wish perform, knowing it was the final show of the cruise and that the final jam would occur there. Stacy, Shawn, Matt and Michelle had a seat saved for us when we got there. They were drunk!! With my starbucks cup of ACM, I wasn't far behind. I had so much fun!! We danced and sang and we went on the dance floor for a long time. We finally left at 1:30am back to our room to pass out.
Day 9 - back in Miami - Woke up hung over and went and joined our friends for breakfast. It was so sad, we knew this was goodbye for awhile. Some of these friends I hadn't seen in 2 yrs. Not knowing if there will be another cruise, and not knowing who will be on it, made me so sad. We organized a group shot, before all the hugging. Amber made me cry because she was crying. Saying goodbye was so hard. We finally left the cruise ship, had a clusterfuck of a time with our shuttle to the airport. Kate and Eric joined us. I love them too. At the airport was fun, long lineups. But I did see Boothby at the info desk. It was awesome. "Omg, hi Boothby" he smiles "Hi darlin', how are you?" and I say "tired" and he said "me too" and then I left, and turned and ran into Jason Plumb. Literally. I really had to pee at that point so I just said "SORRY!" and kept going. He was on our flight to Toronto!
We had a yummy lunch at Chili's and then onto our flight. By the time we landed in Toronto, my legs were so swollen and sore I couldn't walk. Thank goodness Dr. Landy was on that flight! She assured me I was ok, and for me to find some compression socks and ibuprofen. I did find that stuff in Toronto. Then we got on our next flight. We got home around 1:30am and I passed out big time. On saturday, I didn't even shower or get dressed.
I had the best vacation ever. Now I am sick, as well as Matt and Michelle. Who's next? It was worth tho.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What is up? This stuff...
So, how am I doing after the cleanse? Well, today, I had my natural oats with my fruit as sweetner, no coffee still. I had a salad for lunch, and then lost it at dinner.
I didn't win the Biggest Loser Competition I was in at work, but it really helped change me. I am still watching what I eat, and I haven't returned to coffee yet. My total weight loss was 15lbs. Im not being as pure as I was, but I am planning and thinking very carefully about what I eat. I am about to go on a cruise, and I have no expectations, but hopes that I will at least eat responsibly two meals out of the day.
I am thinking of joining Curves in March. If for all of February, I continue to take watch what I eat, then I will graduate to exercise as well. I need to be sure I am changing my lifestyle for good before I shell out any money. Michelle and I are thinking of starting another edition of Biggest Loser come March 1st at work. So, I will have another chance!
Well, I should really finish packing for my cruise!!! I will be back online Feb 12th :)
I didn't win the Biggest Loser Competition I was in at work, but it really helped change me. I am still watching what I eat, and I haven't returned to coffee yet. My total weight loss was 15lbs. Im not being as pure as I was, but I am planning and thinking very carefully about what I eat. I am about to go on a cruise, and I have no expectations, but hopes that I will at least eat responsibly two meals out of the day.
I am thinking of joining Curves in March. If for all of February, I continue to take watch what I eat, then I will graduate to exercise as well. I need to be sure I am changing my lifestyle for good before I shell out any money. Michelle and I are thinking of starting another edition of Biggest Loser come March 1st at work. So, I will have another chance!
Well, I should really finish packing for my cruise!!! I will be back online Feb 12th :)
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